Hey Guys,
For those of you who don’t know, I have stumbled into a career in IT. It was completely unplanned, at first not quite welcomed, but now warmly embraced. I worked for almost 7 years in a company where I went from being a Casual Retail Associate up to a Senior National Solutions and Support Manager. During that time I transitioned from simple sales to complex consultation and ever increased in technical knowledge along the way. A couple years ago I made the jump to a full time “tech” role and haven’t looked back.
For those who don’t know what as SysAdmin is…. its a Systems Administration aka, person who manages IT systems. If you are SysAdmin, excuse my explanation….
So anyway, all of this to say, I am going to start posting nerdy tech stuff because I like it and (from what people have told me) I’m good at it. Over the last couple years I have build complex workflows from the ground up and read a lot of tips and tricks from great minds like Charles Edge (http://krypted.com/) and Tim Sutton (https://macops.ca)… and of course “Googling”…
Stay tuned for some nerdy posts.