
C3 Church Thirroul

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Our first public meetings began in 1987 under the leadership of Peter Madden. The church first met in Thirroul Senior Citizens Hall, then to the Vista Theatre at Woonona. Prior to that time there was a small prayer group that prayed for the church for a number of years. Kevin Wilcock took over the leadership of the church, which was known as Christian Worship Centre and in 1990, the church moved to it’s present location in Thirroul where we were blessed by a great increase in numbers.

The church was pentecostal in style and chararcterized by prayer, giving and evangelism. A strong leadership structure was formed during these years and the church was one of the first to host a conference on Small Groups. We had our own ministry training college, did outreaches with a circus tent around Australia and oversighted a rehabilitation facility called the ‘House of Hope’.

Kevin handed the leadership of the Thirroul church to Joel & Julia A’Bell and commenced to plant other congregations in Wollongong. The new congregations were Wollongong Central in 1997 and Shellharbour in 1999.

In 1999, Peter & Marie Starr took over the leadership of the Thirroul congregation. The church became known as South Coast City Church Thirroul and over $200,000 was raised for a deposit for our current facility, which we soon purchased. We are now officially a part of the C3 Church movement, becoming known as C3 Church Thirroul in 2011 to reflect that association whilst maintaining our relationship with Ozreach (oversighted by Kevin Wilcock).

C3 Church Thirroul has raised and released ministers and missionaries who have left Wollongong and done great exploits for God throughout many parts of the world. We continue to see people transformed by the power of God on regular basis. We value all people because we believe that if lost people matter to God then they should also matter to the church. Our church has gained a good name through being culturally relevant and yet being in touch with God at the same time.


Colin Mold

Colin Mold started with the learning Piano and then at the age of eight took up the Violin and the Guitar.After an interesting time at the London College of Music playing in some great orchestras, he has continued to write and play music. In 2003 he formed the progressive rock\folk band Kara and produced their first CD. Following this he has released two solo cds, the second working with the very talented lyricist Cindy L. Spear who has written with such people as Iona,Viv Neville and Lisa Fury. He is currently a member of Norfolk based group Magicfolk. In Spring 2012 he also toured with progressive rock band Karnataka on their New Light Tour. A new Magicfolk CD “Salterello” and a new Solo CD “Will We Ever Return” are on their way for 2013

He continues to teach,play,record and produce music

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Hillsong Live

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Hillsong LIVE is the congregational expression of worship from Hillsong Church – a local church with global influence.  This local church worship team has a commitment to continually resource the Body of Christ with fresh songs of worship and a deep passion to see people connect with the Living God in a real and personal way.

Their music captures the heart and sound of Hillsong Church globally and represents the coming together of the Hillsong worship team from around the world; including Reuben Morgan, Joel Houston, Ben Fielding, Hillsong UNITED, and international teams from London, Stockholm and Cape Town.  Since 1992, Hillsong LIVE has resourced the local church and received gold and platinum album status multiple times, writing such well known worship songs as “Shout To The Lord”, “Inside Out”, “Hosanna”, “The Stand” and “Mighty to Save”, awarded the 2009 Dove for Worship Song of the Year and currently the #1 CCLI song in the USA and Canada.

Looking to the future, Hillsong LIVE remains committed to inspiring and empowering the authentic worship of Jesus and resourcing the Body of Christ, everywhere.


Aaron David Polley

Formerly published as “Aaron David”.
